Sunday, September 20, 2009

Temper, temper...

This is an entry which serves as a follow-up to the last one...

Told you I was bad at acting...
Got into it with a person who did not deserve neither the time nor the energy.
All in front of a supervisor no less...
Both of us were at fault...Both of us let emotions rule over rationality.
But my cause would have been better served by KEEPING MY MOUTH SHUT!

I'm grateful that it turned out the way it did...My supervisor was sympathetic at least.
And I found supportive friends along the way.
But I'm ashamed to admit that I stooped to the other person's level.
I should know better...Me who has religion, family, love and friends to guide me.
Who the heck knows what the other person has had to go through?

It was a lesson in humility.
Hope it helps to keep my temper in check....