Friday, February 27, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

I know, I know...Its the end of February and here I am, talking about New Year's resolutions.

But hey...Better late than never, right?
So here goes:
1. Lose weight. The plan is to lose 5 kgs this year and 5 kgs next year.
2. Start planning for my retirement. The plan is to do research and start putting away money.
3. Get better skin. This is a personal mission. I've always dreamed of clear skin that glows.

So those are my 2009 resolutions.

I read somewhere that if you have resolutions, you should let people know so you won't chicken out or cheat. So what's yours?

Life doesn't play fair

I'll say it just isn't fair

The whole group gets the flack for 1 member's doing....
Your classmates end up with better-paying jobs than you do...
Suck-ups get all the attention...
Your colleague buys a better car than yours....


(takes a deep breath) Sigh....

Let's turn around and examine the positive:
1. I have a brilliant family with the quirkiest siblings and not-so-normal parents who still see my 24 year-old self as being 12 years-old.
2. I am in a great relationship with a great person who can make me feel better no matter how miserable my life seems.
3. I am in great health (although I could be in better health but let's put that aside for now...).
4. I have a great job which I love even in this global economic crisis.

These are the things which I am truly grateful for

P/S: I've always heard that writing down the things you're grateful for is good to help you gain some perspective but until today, I've always thought it was a myth :p

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

An airhead?

I had a total 'spaz' day...

I was working late...
Went home, drove through traffic and fought off bad drivers.
I reached home only to discover the office keys in my pocket which I was supposed to drop off before going home -_-

I tried to call him, to tell him about my 'spaz' day ...
Instead....I ended up calling my mom -_-
She laughed at me...

After that, I gave up.
Shut my door and went to sleep...Slumberland's gotta be better than here.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009



Let's begin this blog by letting you know where I am in my life.

In the last year, I graduated and started working.
I love my job but of course nothing is perfect..

I bought a Kelisa 3 months ago...
I decided to name this blog after my Kelisa coz' both the car and this blog were here at the beginning of this new phase in my life.

I started this blog to sharpen and maintain my writing. My forte used to be fantasy but that was years ago (approximately 5 years I think...). I miss using my imagination so hopefully I can unleash my creative side here.

Is this okay for my first blog entry?
Well I certainly hope so...
Any constructive criticisms or suggestions are welcome (CONSTRUCTIVE ONLY ok?)
